Please give us an clear idea of what you need and want to achieve from your project. We appreciate you may be at the beginning of the process so please skip anything that’s not relevant, however the more you can tell us the better the solution we can provide.

    Step 1 - You and your Project

    What’s the name of your company?

    Your name:

    Your email address:

    Your number:

    Please describe what does your business does?

    What is your allocated budget for this project? Be honest and we will tell you what we can and can't do.

    Step 2 - Your main reasons for needing a new website

    What are the main objectives of your new website? For example more online sales, to be a hub of information in my niche, reduce admin costs...etc.

    Is there anything about your current site that serves the business well and if so, why?

    Step 3 - Demographics

    Who is the target? Please tell us as much as you can about your customer. Who are they? Where are they? What are their interests/habits? How old are they? Are they male or female, adult, teen or child?

    What are the main reasons your target customer will visit your website? - for example: make quick purchases, research products, get contact details, ask questions, kill time.

    The Competition

    Do your competitors have websites? If so, please list them here so we can make sure yours is better!

    Are there any other brands out there that you feel your brand is at the same level at? E.g, Bentley Cars and Claridges Hotel could be considered to be a brand-look-across.

    Are there any other websites that you like the design of or have interface elements that you think would work well? They don't need to be in your niche, we just want to know what floats your boat.

    Do you need help with your website, print design or branding? Talk to us about your ideas.

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